The Cocktail “Shaker” App is now available from Rowan Books. It costs £3.99 as a standalone. It is free when you buy the book ‘Cocktails & Kicktails‘ from our website or in a shop (in which case contact us for a download code). The App has recipes for over 400 cocktails with lots of useful features including recipes, mixing instructions, poems and back-stories to each cocktail. Original functions include a ‘What Can I Make’ button where you enter a few ingredients you have to hand, shake your phone and discover what cocktails you can make.
Cocktail Shaker App
£4.99 Inc. of any applicable VAT
The Cocktail “Shaker” App is now available from the Rowan Books website. It costs £3.99 as a stand-alone. It is free when you buy the book ‘Cocktails & Kicktails‘ from our website or in a shop (in which case contact us for a download code). The App has over 400 cocktails with lots of useful features including recipes, mixing instructions, poems and back-stories to each cocktail. Original features include a ‘What Can I Make’ button where you enter a few ingredients you have to hand, shake your phone and discover what cocktails you can make.